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ipiña+nieto is a studio located in San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid) and Santiago de Chile, founded by Tadea de Ipiña and Jorge Nieto.

We work on projects with a great diversity of scales, situations, continents and clients.
We design in a collaborative way to find simple and innovative answers, with the desire to contribute to society and its evolving needs. 
We think of each project as a unique composition of stories and potential linked to a place, which makes it individual and special.


House in the forest of san lorenzo de el escorial. in progress.

Timoteo house inside the mountains of madrid. in progress.

Office building for cepal (united nations) in chile. in progress.

Brazilian embassy in chile. built.

Refurbishment of the errazuriz palace in chile. built.

Espaço cultural thiago de mello in chile. built.

Housing building la juliana in santiago de chile. built.

Cultural centre brasil-chile. built.

Specialized offices in chile. built.

San benito school in chile. built.


Selected Work. XXII chilean architectural biennale. 2022.

1st prize. office building for cepal (united nations) in chile. 2020.

Finalist. archmarathon award. 2020.

Mention. gubbio award 2019, latin america and caribe. 2019.

Outstanding Work. XXI chilean architectural biennale. 2019.

Selected Work. XXI chilean architectural biennale. 2019.

Selected Work. XI BIAU, iberoamerican architectural biennale. 2019.

Selected Work. BAQ 2018, panamerican architectural biennale. brazilian embassy. 2018.

Selected Work. XIV BEAU, spanish architectural biennale. 2018.

Nominated. german design award 2018. 2018.

Honorable Mention. young architect in latin américa. 2018.

Finalist. archmarathon award. 2017.

1st prize. cultural centre basil-chile. built. 2013.

1st prize. emergency interventions in puerto saavedra, araucanía. chile. 2012.

1st prize. brazilian embassy in chile. built. 2012.

1st prize. extension to the real canoe natación club. 2010.

Finalist. music and dance school. ciutadella de menorca. 2010

Honorable mention in spain and portugal. 10º edition of pladur competition. 2000.

1st prize in madrid. 10º edition of pladur competition. 2000.


Talks about arqchitecture at /COAM/ YEA (young european architect) exibition / madrid, spain. 2023.

Brazilian embassy at /COAM/ in madrid, spain. 2023.

Brazilian embassy at the /XXII bienal de arquitectura de chile/ in santiago de chile.2023.

Lecture at the /casa de la cultura/ IX international conferences on rehabilitation experiences in historic centers / buenos aires, argentina. 2019. 

Brazilian embassy at the /casa de la cultura/ in buenos aires, argentina. 2019.

Brazilian embassy at the /museo de arquitectura y diseño/ in buenos aires, argentina. 2019.

La juliana at the /XXI bienal de arquitectura de chile/ in santiago de chile.2019.

Brazilian embassy at the /XXI bienal de arquitectura de chile/ in santiago de chile.2019.

Brazilian embassy at the /arc an rêve centre d’achitecture/ in bordeaux, france. 2018.

Lecture at the school of architecture in /universidad san sebastian (uss)/, chile. 2018.

Brazilian embassy at the /biennale di architettura di venezia 2018/ in the maison commune (ca´asi), venice. 2018.

La juliana building at the 2nd international exhibition of contemporary housing in the faculty of civil engineering and architecture of the /university of nis/, serbia. 2017.

Lecture at the school of architecture in /universidad finis terrae (uft)/, chile. 2017.

Two lectures at the school of architecture in /universidad de talca (utalca)/, chile. 2017.

Lecture at the /universidad de santiago de chile (usach)/, chile. 2017.

Lecture at the /faena forum/ in miami (usa). 2017.

Brazilian embassy in chile at the exhibition /export/ spanish architecture overseas at the ico foundation in madrid. 2015.

Lecture at the /universidad del desarrollo/ in santiago (udd). 2013.

Brazilian embassy in chile at the exhibition; architects from madrid over the world at /lasede of the coam foundation/ in madrid. 2013.

Borderline in puerto saavedra eat the exhibition; spanish young architects at the /school of architecture in navarra/. 2013.

Brazilian embassy in chile at the exhibition in /palacio errazuriz/ santiago, chile. 2012.

School of music and dance at the exhibition in /coab in baleares islands/. 2011.

/tadea de ipiña mariscal/

Tadea is an architect from the superior technical school of architecture in madrid (etsam) and from the universidad de chile (fau), founding member of ipiña-nieto architects and arKIDeario.
She has been a project workshop professor at the universidad finis terrae (uft), universidad de las americas (udla) and universidad de talca (utal). She is currently a project workshop professor, and a final year project professor at universidad andrés bello (unab). Also teachs an architectural subjet in a MBA of a business school.

/jorge nieto pujol/

Jorge is an architect from the superior technical school of architecture of madrid (etsam), founding member of ipiña-nieto architects. He has directed the school of architecture at the universidad andres bello (unab).
Jorge has been a project workshop professor at the universidad finis terrae (uft), universidad de las américas (udla), universidad de santiago de chile (usach), universidad católica (puc), and universidad de talca (utal). He is currently a project workshop professor, and a final year project professor at the universidad andrés bello (unab). Also teachs and architectural subjet in a MBA of a business school.
